Saturday, 28 July 2012

Another Sunny Daytime Finish?

Coming up!

A couple of hours ago according to the tracker Warrior was 40 miles away from the finish line.  They continue to click off about ten of those miles every hour and so the shoreside Warrior girls greeting party review are probably running at high dander by now.

(nb) Your Blogmeister is a shoe in for winner of the arrival time pool!

You will note that the Tracker is running in real HST time now and so what you see is what you get except that we are two hours ahead in the Pacific Daylight time zone.  Hawaii doesn't have Daylight Savings time.

The Website also list boats arrival reports almost as they happen so there is usually a good place to check.  Boats are requested to report when they estimate they are 100 miles from the finish, 25 miles from the finish and 5 miles out.  I notice that Warrior is not listed on these reports and I would expect they would be since they are inside 100 miles and probably now inside 25 miles now too.  They have experienced an unusual number of breakdowns this trip and I speculate that their Iridium and maybe even their iPhone may have given in to the fire hose conditions on board!  I'll keep checking back.

After all the planning and work to get the new boat to the starting line it must feel a little unreal to our crew onboard as they wind down another race across the Pacific to paradise.  For a little while after you get back you don't feel like a land animal.  It is good planning on the part of the Pacific Cup organisers to have back to back arrival parties and the Awards banquet to help them work through their PRS.

And then the stories will start and I can hardly wait to hear them.  When I do I will report them here for you too!

Cap't Billy


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